¿Qué es la Tarjeta Sanitaria Europea?

tarjeta sanitaria europea

The European Health Card (EHIC), in the field of travel within the European continent, is one of the best resources you can have. This is available to all citizens of member countries of the European Union.

What is it? 

La Tarjeta Sanitaria Europea es un documento personal e intransferible que acredita el derecho a recibir los servicios sanitarios necesarios desde el punto de vista médico durante una estancia temporal en el territorio del Espacio Económico Europeo o en Suiza. Esto incluye la naturaleza de los servicios y la duración prevista de la estancia, de acuerdo con la legislación del país de acogida, independientemente de que el objeto de la estancia sea turismo, actividades profesionales o estudios. La Tarjeta Sanitaria Europea Erasmus es fundamental para garantizar el acceso a los servicios sanitarios durante tu experiencia Erasmus.

It is worth clarifying that if the reason for your trip is precisely for medical reasons, the European Health Card will not offer you coverage. 

If I have the EHIC, why do I need an insurance policy? 

Contrary to what it may seem, the European Health Card is a resource for emergencies, but it is not insurance in and of itself. It is understood that it is missing basic components, which European mobility programs such as ERASMUS+, require to be satisfied. 

Normally there are four types of coverage that an insurance policy must satisfy to comply with the requirements of the Erasmus+ program (be it studies, internships, exchange, training course)

– Travel insurance (including damage or loss of luggage);

– Civil liability insurance (including professional liability);

– Accident and serious illness insurance (including temporary or permanent disability);

– Death insurance (including repatriation).

What the European Health Card does not cover

The Health Card does not guarantee free medical care. In certain countries and for certain treatments or medications, you must assume a co-payment, a fixed amount or a percentage of the expenses derived from healthcare, on equal terms with the citizens of your destination. These amounts are not refundable.

The European Health Insurance Card also does not cover repatriation to the country of origin. For this type of case, additional coverage is needed from travel insurance, such as the Erasmus Insurance policy. 

Well, and since the European Health Card does not provide coverage for trips whose purpose is to receive medical treatment, it is worth clarifying that any emergency medical care is covered, as well as chronic illnesses and pregnancies, including childbirth. Therefore, it is best to keep it updated, so that we have basic medical needs covered.

What is the best choice for you?

For these reasons and many more, we invite you to contract with Erasmus Insurance, since we comply with the requirements of the Erasmus+ program regulations, and many more.

Erasmus Insurance has included the travel of companions and the shipment of medicines or objects that are difficult to replace in the destination country, among other coverage to ensure that you can go on your Erasmus+ fully covered.

What are you waiting for? Take your free simulation today at www.seguroserasmus.com or write to us at info@seguroserasmus.com and we will answer any questions or concerns you may have.